In 2020, our interest to the leading companies of the world brought us to Germany, the town of Kirchweidach, to the modern greenhouse BIOhof, an impressive 26 hectares for Germany. We were interested in this enterprise for several reasons.
First, this greenhouse has a unique energy concept, which is based on the use of geothermal energy. This greenhouse in Bavaria use hot water +120 C from a municipal geothermal well. The heat is taken from heat exchanger and can be used as needed. Savings, compared to gas heating, annually amount to 7.5 million m3 of natural gas and 14 million kg of CO2 emissions. An addition it has own solar system for obtaining electricity, located on the roof of warehouse and administrative buildings with a capacity of 630 kW. Own electricity production covers three quarters of the complex's needs.
In addition, the number of quality certificates for products produced by this complex is also unique. These are, for example, GQ-Bayern, QS certification mark, IFS standards, LCA certificate, Regoinal certificate, FIAS certificate.
In Europe, there are very clear requirements for products with the mark of organic production.
For example, some vegetables are grown only in soil, not in a coconut substrate, and this is an extremely difficult task. Since the soil, unlike the substrate, contains many pathogenic microorganisms and pests. In such conditions, cultivation in the soil is a more complex and risky process that requires additional control and more carefully thought-out technologies.
Protection against pests in such a greenhouse is organized naturally, due to the use of beneficial insects. Aphids and other pests are effectively controlled by parasitic wasps, predatory mites and other entomophages. Parasitic wasps (Encarsia formosa / EN-STRIP), later predatory bugs (Macrolophus pygmaeus / MIRICAL) are used to combat whiteflies at the beginning of tomato growth. Bumblebees are used for pollination.
A closed irrigation system ensures a self-sufficient water balance. Rainwater from the roof and condensate from the greenhouse are taken for the plants. The roofs have a slope of 22 degrees to collect rainwater. Energy-saving curtains are used. Greenhouses are being switched to additional lighting thanks to energy-efficient LED lamps. CO2 is supplied from liquefied gas tanks. Also, among the design features of the greenhouse, it is possible to note the protective glass against hail and a special glass structure for better light scattering.
I would like such an object to be built in Ukraine.
